
SUMS (short for St Andrews’ University Mathematics Society) is a society for the students of St Andrews who have an interest in anything mathematical. We plan events, dinners, competitions, and more throughout the school year for our members. Some events we’ve organised are:

  • Integration Bees
  • Socials
  • Scottish University Mathematics Olympiad (SUMO)
  • Independent study groups
  • Math Jams
  • Christmas Dinners
  • Pi Ball (with the School of Maths)
  • Rewiring sessions
  • Student Staff Charity Quiz
  • Lunchtime lectures and undergradute talks

We also help organise competitions such as the ICMC and the UK Integration Bee.


Email: sums@st-andrews.ac.uk

Students’ Association
St Mary’s Place
St Andrews
KY16 9UZ

Incoming Committee

President: Leo Doherty

Vice President: Ella Yates

Treasurer: Tom Cooley

Secretary: Ifan Howells-Baines

Social Rep: Niharika Chavan

First Year Rep: Carys Williams

Events and Outreach Officer: Zoë Gemmell

Technical Officer: Deyao Chen

General Committee Members:

  • Rhys Murphy
  • Ioannis Dabos-Doukas

Outgoing Committee

President: Daniel Roebuck

Vice President: Arina Bekenova

Treasurer: Jess Kettlewood

Secretary: Leo Doherty

Social Rep: Ella Yates

First Year Rep: Katie Eremina

Postgraduate Rep:

Publicity Rep: Daniel Chavez

Problem Curator: Rhys Murphy

Events and Outreach Officer:

Technical Officer: Deyao Chen

Lecture Organiser: Ben Tocher

General Committee Members:

  • Callum Barber
  • Ifan Howells-Baines
  • Jun Kwon
  • Ioannis Dabos-Doukas
  • Peiran Wu