Posts by Category


Week 9 email

2 minute read

Rewiring Session; Game Theory Study Group; Lunchtime Lecture; Staff-Student Charity Quiz; Pi Ball!

Week 8 email

3 minute read

AGM Result; Pub Social; Game Theory Study Group; Lunchtime Lecture; IMA Mailing List Signups

Week 7 email

5 minute read

AGM; SUMO; Rewiring Session; Game Theory Study Group; Lunchtime Lecture; Coding together in Lean; Weekly problem

Week 6 email

2 minute read

Game Theory Study Group - Session3; Pub social; Maths Jam, Weekly Problem

Week 5 email

2 minute read

SUMO ramble; Game Theory Study Group - Session 2; Rewiring session; Weekly problem

Week 4 email

1 minute read

Game Theory Study Group - Session 1; Pub Social; Rewriting Session; Maths Jam; SUMO Registration (in another email)

Week 3 email

2 minute read

Comment on Pi Ball ticket reselling; Game Theory Study Group; SUMS Hoodies; SUMO registration upcoming; Possible lunchtime lecture

Week 2 email

2 minute read

Pi Ball update; Pub social and Maths Jam; Rewiring session

Week 1 email

3 minute read

Summary of semesters events; Pi Ball; Pub Social and Maths Jam; New study group! - Game Theory; Undergraduate talks - Looking for speakers!

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