Week 8 email

3 minute read

Hey everyone,

This is a particularly exciting email introducing our new committee!

Reflecting on this, I will take the first half of the email (introducing the new committee), before passing over to our new President Leo, who will give us the week’s events.

Before I go, I want to say how meaningful being part of the SUMS Committee has been to me. I have had the privilege of getting to know lots of wonderful and hardworking people, who have been an important part of my time at university and whom I will miss immensely.

On that note, it brings me great joy to introduce our new committee:

  • Leo Doherty - President

  • Ella Yates - Vice President

  • Ifan Howells-Baines - Secretary

  • Tom Cooley - Treasurer

  • Niharika Chavan - Social Secretary

  • Zoë Gemmell - Events and Outreach Officer

  • Deyeo Chen - Technical Officer

  • Carys Williams - First-year Representative

  • Ioannis Dabos-Doukas - General Committee Member

  • Rhys Murphy - General Committee Member

  • Having had the pleasure of getting to know these wonderful people over these past years, I have no doubt that they will do an excellent job and I am very excited to see what they do!

  • Without further ado, I’ll turn over to our new SUMS President, Leo.

Hi all,

I’m happy to be sending my first weekly email as the new President of SUMS!

Along with the fantastic new committee, we hope that over the next year, you all enjoy SUMS events as much as we have over the past year. Before getting into this week’s events, I’d like to thank Dan, along with the entire former committee for an amazing year for SUMS, and I hope this continues into next year. Now, for this week’s events:

Pub Social

Location: The Whey Pat

Time and Date: Monday 14th March, 8:00 pm

Facebook Event

Game Theory Study Group

This week’s study group will be covering up to the end of Chapter 4, led by Ben Tocher.

Location: MAT Tutorial Room 1B

Time and Date: Monday 14th March, 4:00 pm

Lunchtime Lecture

(Deep) Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Algorithm Configuration by Dr. Nguyen Dang


Most algorithms have their own parameters that need to be tuned to achieve the best performance. In some cases, instead of finding the best static parameter setting for an algorithm, it is highly beneficial to adapt the parameter values while the algorithm is running. Dynamic Algorithm Configuration (DAC) focuses on developing techniques to solve this task in an automated and data-driven fashion. The aim is to learn a policy that map from the current state of the algorithm to the best parameter value for that state during the solving process. DAC is an emerging topic and has a lot of potential applications in various domains. However, research on DAC is still in its early stage. In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to DAC and how (deep) reinforcement learning can be used to tackle this problem.

Location: Purdie Lecture Theatre D

Time and Date: Thursday 16th March, 1:00 pm


Due to an issue with the Union Booking System, there has been no Maths Jam booked for this weekend, if there is an update to this, a further email will be sent out.

IMA Mailing List Signups

Are you interested in signing up for the mailing list of the IMA (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications)? You can find lots of mathsy events, articles, free workshops, talks, and more! Please fill out the form below if you are interested, and also please see the link to the IMA website for more! https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yyZW-KgN00mqWGTvZ47wGlGzk-d8b89DgMIX3vRP2spUOUhYTFhWSVQ4V1E5NjdTRjJTUTZZVkVMQy4u

IMA Website: https://ima.org.uk/

That is it from me! If you have any questions about SUMS or any of our events, do not hesitate to email back with questions.

P.S., I hope these weekly Maths memes bring some sort of respite in the week 8 blues.

Dan Roebuck (Former SUMS President)
Leo Doherty (New SUMS President)

Week 8 Meme

