Week 9 email

2 minute read

Hi all,

I hope the past week has treated you all well and has not been too stressful. Before I get into the events and goings on for this week, I just want to say I hope everyone who attended the last week’s events had a great time, and you all continue to enjoy them as the semester starts to wind down.


Rewiring Session

Location: MAT Tutorial Room 1B

Time and Date: Friday 24th March, 4:00 - 5:00 pm


Game Theory Study Group

Location: MAT Tutorial Room 1B

Time and Date: Monday 20th March, 4:00 pm

Lunchtime Lecture

(Deep) Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Algorithm Configuration by Dr. Nguyen Dang


Most algorithms have their own parameters that need to be tuned to achieve the best performance. In some cases, instead of finding the best static parameter setting for an algorithm, it is highly beneficial to adapt the parameter values while the algorithm is running. Dynamic Algorithm Configuration (DAC) focuses on developing techniques to solve this task in an automated and data-driven fashion. The aim is to learn a policy that map from the current state of the algorithm to the best parameter value for that state during the solving process. DAC is an emerging topic and has a lot of potential applications in various domains. However, research on DAC is still in its early stage. In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to DAC and how (deep) reinforcement learning can be used to tackle this problem.

Location: MAT Lecture Theatre B

Time and Date: Thursday 23rd March, 1:00 pm

Staff-Student Charity Quiz

The staff-student charity quiz is a fantastic way to watch your lecturers, tutors, and fellow students compete to take home the coveted trophy. The entry to view the quiz will be any donation of charity you want, as each team will have a selected charity they are raising money for. It will be a chance to sit back, relax, and get a feel for what University Challenge might be like to watch live (Hosted by your respective SUMS President and Vice-President)!

Location: PHY Lecture Theatre B

Time and Date: Tuesday 28th March, 4:00-6:00 pm

Pi Ball!

An email will be sent out later this week clarifying the Pi Ball ticket collection arrangements for Ceilidh and Dinner tickets, as well as the rest of the official details, although the time and date (thankfully) remain the same as that on the Facebook event.

Location: Old Course Hotel, Hall of Champions

Time and Date:

Friday 24th March, 6:30 pm - 1:00 am


That’s all for this week, please feel free to email back with any questions about anything SUMS-related! Once again, I hope you enjoy the weekly meme, this time submitted by our treasurer, Tom.

Many thanks,
President of SUMS

Weekly Problem:

What is the derivative of:

\[(\sin(x) + 1)x\]


