
The Scottish Universities Mathematics Olympiad (SUMO) is an annual team competition, currently run by St Andrews University Mathematics Society (SUMS), together with Mathematics Societies in Aberdeen, Glasgow, and Heriot Watt. It aims to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as serve as a steppingstone for Scottish students to form meaningful connections due to a shared interest in mathematics.

After realising the interaction among mathematics students in Scotland was limited by the lack of maths-focused inter-university events, the 2019 – 2020 SUMS committee successfully held the first SUMO competition in February 2020. The event was unfortunately cancelled in 2021 due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic but returned in 2022 in St Andrews. Continuing this year, the competition to be held in University of Glasgow on Saturday 25th March.

All undergraduate students (regardless of year or department) are welcome to compete, as the problems are designed to be accessible with minimal background knowledge required. This year’s questions will be of a similar nature to those from British Maths Olympiad and Imperial College Mathematics Competition.

If you would like to donate a problem that could be used for our competition or have any questions at all, please contact us via email.


Email: sums@st-andrews.ac.uk

Students’ Association
St Mary’s Place
St Andrews
KY16 9UZ